Malus ‘Spring Snow’ | Spring Snow Crabapple
PLANTING POINTS: May brings white flowers covering the entire canopy. This is a sterile cultivar which means it flowers but does not form fruit so for the gotta have it neat and tidy crowd, they will love this tree! A fast grower and very disease resistant.
SITING THIS TREE: This is one of the Legacy-Trees’ Parade of Color™ trees for the spring. It flowers between the autumn brilliance serviceberry and the Japanese Tree Lilac. So plant it where you can see it! Crabapples are quite durable but it is best to keep them out of wet spots that stay wet all year. They perform best in full sun to get maximum flower production. Legacy frequently uses them along property lines to provide summer screening of adjoining properties. This means they might be growing in drainage swales but I do not consider those wet areas because they are intermittently wet. They also can be partially shaded due to other trees along the border between properties. That is alright as there are no perfect planting spots.