Chinkapin Oak

Height: 50’ to 80’
Spread: 50’ to 70’
Hardiness Zone: 5 to 7
Fall Color: yellow to orange- brown to brown
Preferred Soil: Alkaline soil, Moist, well-drained soil
Exposure Type: Full Sun



Quercus muehlenbergii / Chinkapin Oak

Planting Points: Chinkapin oak is native to the Midwest, where it is often found as a specimen tree. Young trees retain a pyramidal to oval habit with a pale gray, scaly ridged central trunk. As trees age, the crown becomes more rounded. This resilient white oak can be a champion for the urban landscape where it can handle various site conditions. Oak wilt and two-lined chestnut borer can be problems for this tree, especially as a juvenile.

Siting This Tree: More tolerant of city conditions than most oaks. Best grown in rich, deep soils but often found in the wild on dry, limestone outcrops in low slopes and wooded hillsides. One of the best oaks for alkaline soils. Because of its immense size potential at maturity, it’s most suited for a large yard or parks.