Acer x freemanii | Sienna Glenn Maple
PLANTING POINTS: The Sienna Glen Maple is another freemanii introduction that offers some slight differences from the Autumn Blaze.The largest difference between this tree and the Autumn Blaze is that Sienna Glen has better branch angles than the Autumn Blaze. That being said, it still will need aggressive maintenance when it takes off because it is still a freemanii. It also has a more orange hued fall leaf than the Autumn Blaze. To sum up the Sienna Glen, it’s a better cultivar than Autumn Blaze when it comes to branch angles with a very slightly less vigorous growth rate and an equally beautiful fall color that has a little more orange to it than Autumn Blaze.
SITING THIS TREE: When it comes to sighting this tree, treat it the same as the Autumn Blaze, it can excel with wetter soil conditions than other trees but it also is reliable in drier soils conditions as well.